Pelican Configuration for

You are reading an article on a static blog site that is built with the Pelican static site generator.

This article describes how the blog site is configured.


You can get all the code in my GitHub project reachtim. I use snippets of that code in this article.

I looked at several static site generators; Pelican seemed to fit my brain the best and it has a great and active community.

The documentation was another reason—the sites Pelican Blog and Pelican Docs were indispensible, not to mention the various blog sites that describe how they were setup.

The Goal

I wanted a simple blog with no more machinery involved than I actually would use. I seem to lean toward yagni; I like having only ‘just enough’ machinery to get the job done.

So a statically generated site seemed to be the right thing—I don’t need a database for users or ecommerce and the site has limited interactivity.

I wanted a blog that supports the following for authoring and administration:

  • Simple to use (for me to add content)
  • Markdown + LaTeX math rendering
  • Code highlighting
  • Automatic analytics

Of course the reading experience is just as important, and to support that end of things I wanted:

  • Simple to navigate (for readers)
  • Feed subscriptions
  • Commenting capability

The Directory Structure

I wasn’t sure how much customization I would want to do, so I downloaded the plugin and theme zip files from getpelican/pelican-plugins and getpelican/pelican-themes. That turned out to be a good idea. The directory structure looks like this:


With this structure, if I want a new blog site, I can create a new directory in projects and set the new pelican root directory there. In the configuration file, I can then make local calls to the theme and plugins I want.

To add content, I write in MarkDown (*.md) or RestructuredText (*.rst); if the content is a post, it goes in the articles directory. If it is some other type of content, like the about page, it goes in the pages directory.

For images or other special files, I add them to the images or extra directory and they are copied straight through to the static site.

The Configuration File

In the file, I first set up the basics. Well I actually used pelican-quickstart to get the initial file, but afterwards I went through it line by line, to make sure it was exactly what I wanted and to make sure I understood what was going on.

AUTHOR = u'Tim Arnold'
SITENAME = u'ReachTim'
SITESUBTITLE = 'Python, LaTeX, and XML: coding together.'
TIMEZONE = 'America/New_York'
PATH = 'content'

Then I made a few changes so I can have the articles in their own subdirectory (ARTICLE_PATHS) and set the static paths (the directories and files that are copied over verbatim). So the images and extra directories are copied over with no other processing. The files listed in EXTRA_PATH_METADATA are copied to the root of the OUTPUT_PATH directory.

I’m setting the output directory to be same name as the website, reachtim; it’s my personal preference and fits my deployment scheme. The default name is output.

OUTPUT_PATH = 'reachtim/'
ARTICLE_PATHS = ['articles',]
STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'extra',]

    'extra/404.html': {'path': '404.html'},
    'extra/403.html': {'path': '403.html'},
    'extra/robots.txt': {'path': 'robots.txt'},
    'extra/.htaccess': {'path':  '.htaccess'},
    'extra/crossdomain.xml': {'path':  'crossdomain.xml'},
    'extra/favicon.ico': {'path':  'favicon.ico'},

It was easy to change the theme or set of plugins since I had all of them in a local directory. I only have to change these lines to try a different theme or add/delete a plugin.

THEME = '../themes/zurb-F5-basic'

I played around with a lot of themes before deciding on the zurb-F5-basic. I like the way it looks and operates. Other than this site, you can see another example here, from the github page: zurb-F5-basic

The plugins:

  • neighbors adds prev_article and next_article variables to the article context, so you can use them in your template.
  • pelican_fontawesome enables you to embed FontAwesome icons in your content. This plugin was not in the getpelican plugins project, so I installed it separately from pelican-fontawesome
  • pelican_gist makes it easy to embed entire GitHub gists into your content.
  • render_math enables the rendering of LaTeX style math by using the MathJax javascript engine.
  • sitemap automatically generates your sitemap which helps search engines know about all of your pages.

The sitemap plugin needs a little more data:

    'format': 'xml',
    'priorities': {
        'articles': 0.5,
        'indexes': 0.5,
        'pages': 0.5
    'changefreqs': {
        'articles': 'monthly',
        'indexes': 'daily',
        'pages': 'monthly'

I also set things up so I have Atom feeds, Disqus commenting capability, and Google Analytics. I manually added the Google Analytics code after I registered the site with Google. Of course you need a Google account for that, and a Disqus account for commenting capability.

DISQUS_SITENAME = 'reachtim'
FEED_ALL_ATOM = 'feeds/all.atom.xml'
CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = 'feeds/%s.atom.xml'

Finally, I added these two settings to have a more attractive look. The TYPOGRAPHY setting provides a few changes to the typesetting by using the Typogrify library.

There are a lot of choices for MD_EXTENSIONS and you can read about them in their documentation.


Writing Content

You can write using MarkDown or RestructuredText, and each page or article you write will have some metadata at the top of the file. This article has MarkDown metadata:

Title: Pelican Configuration for
Category: Python
Date: 2014-Aug-20
Tags: python, web
Summary: How this site is set up

You can add other metadata to an article—whatever you add will be available to your template in the article’s context.

The content follows the metadata after a blank line and it uses normal MarkDown syntax.

